
Dishwashing Duty

 The things one does to pass the time while washing dishes can be at times amusing or absurd. Although most often, it happens to be both.
  For instance, my youngest (12) brother and I had this conversation while washing up after supper.  All I can say is: he started it.

N: Tiddely-pom.

D: (Is thinking about something or another, and doesn't pay any attention)

N: Are we soon DONE?  Tiddely-pom. 
    'Cus this is BOOOOORING.  Tiddely-pom.

D: (Still ignoring him)

N: (says several more inane things, always ending, of course in Tiddely-pom, throwing a couple extra "Tiddely-poms" in, whenever he feels so led, for good measure)

N: When are we DONE?  Tiddely-pom. 

D: (awakens to the fact that her brother is quoting A.A. Milne)  I don't KNOW. Tiddely-pom.

N: Well I wish you DIIID. Tiddely-pom.

D: Pretty SOON. Tiddely-pom.

N: I'm just doing this to make it more INTERESTING: Tiddely-pom.
     'Cus frankly, this is BORING, Tiddely-pom.
     And so far it's been SUCCESSFUL, Tiddely-pom.

D: (Is trying not to grin)  Oh, REALLY?  Tiddely-pom.

N: Tiddely-pom. 

D: Tiddely-pom.

(They both proceed to try to sing a harmonic duet of tiddely-poms, which proved to be unsuccessful.)

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