
The Liebster Award

So I was notified via comment that I was tagged by Bevy at treasuredupandpondered.blogspot.com  with the the Liebster Award. Ha, sounds like fun, I thought. So here goes.  But first some stuff that I snitched from her site, to explain a few things. (Thanks, Bev!)

What is a Liebster Award?
A Liebster Award is a traveling award that is awarded to new bloggers with less than 200 followers. Those nominated then pass the award on to 11 other bloggers who also have less than 200 followers.

Along with the nomination, there are a few rules I have to follow within this post.
  1. Post eleven facts about yourself.
  2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you and create eleven questions for people you’ve nominated.
  3. Choose eleven people (with fewer than 200 followers) to give this award to and link them in your post.
  4. Go to their page and tell them.
  5. Remember, no tag backs.

Except, I, hah... um... am not sure that I KNOW 11 bloggers who would want to participate. So, I may only tag several. Or none at all.

Without further ado:

 Eleven Facts You Possibly May Not Have Known About Me Before This Time In History

1. I live beside a river/creek.
    (Oh, wait. If you've been around this blog for awhile, you've probably figured that out. But I needed to make sure you knew that. It's pretty important.)

2. I have a tiny, crescent-shaped scar on my left thumb.
    (That isn't very important, but it's random.)

3. I like pretzels.
    (A lot.)

4. I hate snakes.
    (A lot.)

5. I think snorkeling is fun.
    (That really has to be the strangest word. Ever.)

6. Train whistles make me feel at home wherever I am at the moment I hear them.
    (I used to live beside a railroad. Free fact.)

7. I'm more of a nightowl than an earlybird.
    (Just ask my family.)

8. If I'd learn another language, I'd learn Latin. Or Hebrew. Or Gaelic.
    (Only it's more likely that I'll learn PA Dutch, because I know people who speak it.)

9. My drivers license states that I am 5 feet 3 inches tall.
    (I know, because I just had to renew it.)

10. If I could go anywhere in the world, just for the fun of it, I would visit the Faroe Islands.
     (They are the most.beautiful.island.place.i've.ever.seen. Period.)

11. My favorite color is blue.
     (Or green.)

The Questions Asked, and the Attempted Answers

1. Your blog title/name?  How did it come about... is there a story?
     Yes. There is a story. Literally. It is the title of a book by a German man named Quint Buccholz. It's a fantastic book. Literally.   It also happens to be one of my favorites. I was completely fascinated with the idea of a "collector of moments", so I became one.

2. Books.  Who is your favorite author?  What is your style?
    This is tough. I like so many different styles, you know?  I usually tell folks who ask this question that the kind of books I mostly enjoy reading can be found in the Juvenile or Young Adult Section of the library. Only I'm leaning more and more towards the Children's Section these days. (They have to have good illustrations though)   Favorite author?  Hmmmm....  Patricia MacLachlan, Kate DiCamillo, Jerry Spinelli, Robert McCloskey, Elizabeth Goudge, Beverly Cleary, etc.

3. Speaking of Style.  Who/what inspires you in your wardrobe selection?
    I like fall. I wear a lot of browns, greens, and blues. I am inspired by classic timeless nautical types of ensembles. *cough*  When I make the effort.

4. If you're a mom! - Any advice you could share?  If you're not... What do you wish you could share?
    I am not a mom. But I have lots of younger cousins who I take care of from time to time. Here is my advice. Ask them lots of questions and then listen, really listen, to their answers.

5. In blogging.. Do you share your Faith?  Why or Why not?
    Because of the nature of my blog (sharing moments or events that I notice), it could be tied in anywhere. I don't have method for sharing or not sharing. Maybe I should. :)

6. Collections... What is yours?  Baskets?  Cookbooks?  - How did you get started?
     I collect libraries.  Well, library cards. We used to spend quite a good part of our summers away from home, and got to know a lot of different libraries fairly well. I love exploring a new library and finding my old book friends. Library cards are a good way to remember them. Thing is, sometimes you have to be a resident of that county or state in order to qualify for a card, so I have collected more libraries than I have proof of.

7. Do you have that one "best friend" - what makes her a great friend?  Give me just two-three words.
     She listens to me, laughs at me, laughs with me, challenges me.

8. Pizza or Stromboli? Would that be homemade or "Take Out"?
     Pizza. Homemade. Yum.

9. Camera advice...is needed.  What would you recommend?
    Ask my dad. :)   And here's a tidbit. Make sure your horizons are level. But not always. :)

10. And your favorite flower is...?
     Hydrangea, calla lilies, California poppies (any kind of poppies, really), peonies, queen anne's lace.

11. Tell me that one idiosyncrasy you LOVE about yourself..
    I almost always have bubbles or a candle in my handbag.  I really like that about my handbag. :)

The Questions I Carefully Crafted For My Victims

1. What was your favorite kid's book during your growing up years, and what is your favorite kid's book now?

2. What concept in the Bible do you keep coming back to and hashing over and studying and thinking about?

3. If bubbles never popped, what color should they be?

4. What is your favorite quote, and why is it your favorite quote?  (ha. two-in-one. gotcha.)

5. If you were the ruler of a small country, what would be the first rule you'd outlaw?

6. If you could be a character in any book, which character would you be, and why?

7. When you're in a coffee shop, what drink do you order the oftenest?

8. And while you're sitting there drinking it, are you most likely to be: people-watching, reading, singing, writing, or gazing out the window?

9. If you could take a ride on or in anything, what would it be?  You're allowed to say Pegasus.

10. What is your favorite thing about fall?

11. Why would you never _____________________?

Bonus question, in case you feel like it:  Could you please give me writing advice? Any kind. Long or short. Thank you.

And I tag: no one.  Yes, I know, I'm not playing by the rules, and yes, I know, it's incredibly cheesy to not tag anyone.  Here are my excuses.

1. I don't know bloggers who "do" forwards, or tag things.

2. I'm feeling too lazy.

3. This means anyone may answer the questions. I'd love it.

4. You may answer in a comment. Or a post.

5. You may answer all or a select few of the posed questions. Whatever suits your fancy.

Have at it.  :)



  1. Love your answers!!

    You know. We're family... but I hardly know ya all that well...tis a shame. So, this helped a lot. Thanks! Thanks for playing along.

    Dee.. You really are a FABULOUS writer and I think you have such a talent; a credit to all that library browsing for sure, I'm sure.

    I hope to hear more, read more, in the future.

  2. You're welcome. :) It was fun.

    Thank you for your encouraging words.

    And yeah, it's good to know we're family, even if we don't see a lot of each other.

  3. I may steal this and post it to my blog, but for the present here it is in comment form:

    Okay, 11 facts about myself:

    (1) I am the second oldest of 12 siblings

    (2) I develop a severe headache if I spend much time out in the sun without sunglasses. By this I mean the headache will make me vomit.

    (3) As a child was not an early reader, or a quick reader.

    (4) I have never read through The Lord of The Rings by myself. However, I have heard it read aloud twice, and participated at least once in the process of reading the story to younger siblings so I am very familiar with the story.

    (5) I write long letters. I mean, reaallly long letters. You have no idea how long letters.

    (6) I like making comics, but don't make them as much as I would like.

    (7) I wish I had more musical talent

    (8) I wrote my first novel when I was 15-16. It hasn't seen the light of day. Yet.

    (9) I tore down an entire old barn by hand, and mostly by myself. It was an interesting lesson in persistence.

    (10) Growing up, I worried a lot. I still do, but I wish I didn't.

    (11) In fact, growing up I worried so much I would peek under my bedroom door after everyone had gone to bed to see if the stove was starting to burn down the house

  4. I had to split my comment because your blog said it was two long. Here is the second half:

    The carefully crafted questions:

    (1) Q: What was your favorite kid's book during your growing up years, and what is your favorite kid's book now?

    A: Tough question. I liked so many books as a kid and my favorite changed. Trouble for Trumpets was one favorite. It is fresh in my mind because my older brother asked for it as a birthday present this year. I also remember perennial favorites being anything illustrated by Steven Kellog. For lack of anything better coming to mind I'd say that is still true now.

    (2) Q: What concept in the Bible do you keep coming back to and hashing over and studying and thinking about?

    A: Good question! I'd say "Who God is and what He has done" is what keeps me coming back again and again. But that answer is kind of cheating because that covers the entire Bible, and everything in it. If I had to limit it to one aspect of God I'd say, "The Love of God" It is central to my relationship to God, and I think it is something that is badly misunderstood by the world, and even by a lot of Christians

    (3) Q: If bubbles never popped, what color should they be?

    A: Ummmm, iridescent? If bubbles were one color that would be boring. We already have balloons for that.

    (4) Q: What is your favorite quote, and why is it your favorite quote? (ha. two-in-one. gotcha.)

    A: I don't have a favorite quote. I come upon different quotes that seem particularly meaningful to me at different times. I guess one I will share is from a commentary on the book of Isaiah. I found the commentary very edifying because, besides illuminating the past historical circumstances and broad theological truths, it also made the book of Isaiah very present for me personally, and I found this particular quote illustrates that:

    "One of the perennial concerns of humans is the control of the future. The fear of the unknown keeps driving us to a variety of sources in our attempt to know what is going to happen to us. Thus when God gives us evidence only of his past faithfulness and asks us to trust him to keep a variety of good promises for the future, we typically find this hard to do." ( John Oswalt, Isaiah Chapters 40-66. Quote on 65:11, p. 646)

    (5) Q: If you were the ruler of a small country, what would be the first rule you'd outlaw?

    A: Legalism. Beyond that, it's hard to say since I don't know what rules this imagined country has. If it had the same rules as NY state then I'd cancel the rule that makes fireworks illegal. Nobody obeys that rule anyhow. If we're talking about NY state I could add a lot more...

  5. Third part....gee, I didn't think my comment was that long:

    (6) Q: If you could be a character in any book, which character would you be, and why?

    A: Well I guess I've always dreamed of being some amazing and awesome character who doesn't worry, isn't afraid, and protects everybody and defeats all evil. More reasonably, I'd say Winnie the Pooh. His laid back demeanor is appealing.

    (7) Q: When you're in a coffee shop, what drink do you order the oftenest?

    A: If we exclude the Starbucks that is part of Barnes and Noble I think I've been in one coffee shop in my entire life. I ordered a hot chocolate. I think that makes me a heretic.

    (8) Q: And while you're sitting there drinking it, are you most likely to be: people-watching, reading, singing, writing, or gazing out the window?

    A: I sing when I am alone (mostly), write and read in isolation, so I most likely would be looking out the window and people watching.

    (9) Q: If you could take a ride on or in anything, what would it be? You're allowed to say Pegasus.

    A: Anything that flew would be cool, except a bug.

    (10) Q: What is your favorite thing about fall?

    A: The smell of fresh autumn leaves.

    (11) Q: Why would you never _____________________?

    A: Because it would be __________________.

    (Bonus) Q: Could you please give me writing advice? Any kind. Long or short. Thank you.

    A: I could give you tons, but I'll try to stick to a few short pithy remarks. (1) Practice, practice, practice. (2) Write what you love, not what you think people want (3) A good critic will improve you more than all the praise in the world. You need someone who will show you how awful your writing is before you can begin to truly make it better.

    1. Thank you for taking time to answer these questions. It was enlightening, etc.

      I laughed like crazy.

      Especially over no. 11. True, true. It would be RATHER _______________, wouldn't it?

      ( :) )

      must go. perhaps more feedback later.
