
An Explore for My Birthday

My father gives good gifts.

And this year, for my birthday, we went on an Explore. We were trying to find the mythical Farrandsville cairns.  And we did. We found them after an up-hill climb, and many misgivings and we'll-see's.  (A distant relative of will o' th' wisps, in case you weren't familiar with them.)

 As you can see, the day began in a most auspicious manner; water, map, journal, extra journal, pen, sandals and continued in like manner; a conglomeration of happy things.

After the cairns, we:

Peeked into a musty old church.

Found some yellow leaves.

Stopped for sweet tea because it was my birthday and I have a weakness for strong sweet tea.

Noticed some glory-filled flowers.

and Explored an old park.

(A little "Speak Friend and Enter"  -ish, don't you think?)

(It has been nearly seven months since that day but its memory has not diminished in contentedness. So I decided to blow the sleepy dust off it, and post this after all.)


  1. You had me seriously confused about the time of year I thought it was, until I got to the very end. :) Happy Birthday! :) And a happy New Year!

    1. Why thank you, Auntie. :) :) :) Same to you...

  2. Somehow, you fit so much into so few relaxed words. And this post's summer beauty in the bleak midwinter is most welcome.

    1. I thought as much myself. At least, the summer beauty part... :)
