
Sunny Slopes of Air

I am cold.   It is January.   Blah, said Toad.

So this is wishful thinking.   :)

Barefoot Days  

In the morning, very early,
That's the time I like to go
Barefoot where the ferns grow curly
And the grass is cool between each toe,
On a summer morning--O!
On a summer morning!

That is when the birds go by
Up the sunny slopes of air,
And each rose has a butterfly
Or a golden bee to wear;
And I am glad in every toe--
Such a summer morning-O!
Such a summer morning!

-Rachel Field


P.S. Grandma A., every time I read this poem I hear it in your voice. It was one of the poems you recorded on that old cassette for me when I broke my leg.  :)


  1. Yah for Frog and Toad!

    Remember, it is January now, so the days are getting longer now! (I tell myself this)

  2. Yay for people who recognize Frog and Toad quotes!!!! :)

    As for the days getting longer, I was on the road at 5:15 on Friday and the sun was still up! Barely, but it was there. That is definitely encouraging.

  3. The Frog and Toad audio books that Arnold Noble narrated himself are awesome. Part of my childhood... "You can have it all Frog, I am going to bake a cake."

  4. That's the phrase our family quotes the most from those books! :) Or, "You do look funny in your bathing suit, Toad."
